ABFE Level I. (Czech only) English on request

when: 29.-30.3.2023
where: Dubová 558, Jirny, Praha-východ
price: 3 800,-Kč

What other people are saying about this Workshop:

"Ian White is an absolute inspiration. Flower Remedies have helped transform my life. The workshop brought them to life, Thank You!" 
(Caroline Driscoll, Homeopath, UK)

"Intensive, Enthralling, Brilliant!" 
(Carole Gimson, Homeopath, UK)

"A profound life changing and enhancing experience for me. A major step in my healing." 
(Jan Gannon, Nurse, Camberwell Victoria)

“Wonderful, enlightening invigorating, fascinating, totally educational. The days seemed too short and gave me a totally new insight into how to work with people and also the issues that I need to focus on myself.” 
(S. Griffin, Acupuncturist, Ireland)

“I came away energised and inspired. I would recommend this workshop for any one. It was handled with love as well as intellect.” 
(L. Pankiw, Bowen Therapist, Glen Iris)

“Crammed full with excellent information, and practical ideas for personnel and professional use. Thanks so much, Ian. Your personnel story and experiences are MOST inspiring.” 
(Anna Cairns, Natural therapist, Hobart)

“This is the third time I’m doing level one. I don’t find it ‘repeating’ at all. To the contrary its refreshing, re-inforcing and yet even more inspiring!” 
(Mercedes Diverio, Naturopath, Petersham)

“A wonderful weekend. I was inspired by the simplicity of all the essences and their power. The workshop was well-integrated with lecture, walks, artwork, music to keep me fully present through out the weekend, and not tire. I enjoyed seeing the proof of their immediate efficacy thru muscle testing. I can’t think of anything. One of the best workshops I’ve ever been on - thank you.” 
(Glenda Thomas, Teacher of the Deaf, Telopea)

“Extremely informative, topical and humorous presentation that touched all aspects of my expectations, plus exceeded to access far more information than thought possible.” 
(Robyn Brown, Alternative Therapist, Patonga)

“I came knowing nothing. Now I feel that I’m leaving with a vast body of work that can bring hope and healing to people who traditional therapies have forgotten.” 
(Rory Hattford, Doctor/Journalist, Dublin)

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