

With the holidays fast approaching, our incredible ABFE team and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support this year, it is very much appreciated.



These days it’s so easy for all of us to become embroiled in the day-to-day details of our lives with deadlines to meet and the pressures of work and life that we actually forget to take time for ourselves. Yet relaxing for a set time each day and ensuring we step away from what we have been caught up in, can help give us the energy we need to tackle whatever tasks we have to face.


Many people commence life in hospital and it seems strange that our first experience of life in the world should be in such a psychically heavy, cold and intimidating structure. In a recent trip to the Kimberleys, I was discussing the healing qualities of Boab with an Aboriginal ranger who told me that both her uncle and father were born under a Boab tree in Broome. In fact, her grandmother gave birth to her uncle at the exact moment the Japanese air force were bombing Broome and she point blankly refused to move to a more sheltered area, stating that the Boab was where she was going to give birth.


When we are struggling with outside distractions it can be next to impossible to stick with the task at hand and get done what we need to. Cognis Essence can assist in creating clarity and focus, so you can zero in on what you need to achieve. Whether it is studying, working or performing at your best, your mind will thank you for the clear space and the balance between intuitive and cognitive processes. Cognis can cut through the distraction leaving you ready to solve the most challenging problems. 


There is no doubt that our children and teens have had to deal with alot of change over the last few months. In Australia schools have been back a number of weeks and I’m sure you’ve all seen a mixture of excitement, anxiety and perhaps even frustration in your children and adolescents as they returned to school. This was not like going back to school after the school holidays, our kids have been disconnected from each other and their usual social groups for a very long time, for most it was twice that of the summer school holidays.


As we have just honoured Mother’s Day in Australia on May 10th it feels the ideal time to announce the launch of our new Carers Essence. We are also at the same time launching our new Boost Essence remedy. These are the first new Remedies to be released since 1995! Both are very appropriate in addressing many of the issues arising from the current, global health situation. Further below in this article there are videos that I’ve recorded on each of these new Remedies.


In the past couple of months, I have been discussing primarily how the Australian Bush Flower Essences are able to help us deal with issues arising from the crisis we are all experiencing around the world. Carers and Boost, our two new remedies, have been created to deal with this specific situation, especially in relation to the overwhelm; concern for the economy, loved ones, getting sick and the great uncertainty of what has been unfolding. However, this is also a time where the Light Workers are needing a great deal of support, as they are doing a lot more work in this crucial time. 



White Light Essences Workshop

2 day Workshop

The White Light Essences have been brought through by Spirit to help us invoke and access the realm of Nature and Spirit within ourselves, so as to more fully understand our spirituality and fulfil our highest potential.



Covid-19 - Ian's recommendations

To our ABFE family,
In light of the current global situation with COVID-19, ABFE team are committed to supporting you all through these truly unique times. We have so many of you reaching out to us at the moment asking what you can do to stay emotionally safe.

Here are the flower remedies that Ian highly recommends to support you and your family: