IAN WHITE -Numerology and ABFE 29th - 30th June 2023

when: 29th - 30th June 2023
where: Greenpoint centrum, Strašnice, Praha 10
price: 260,- EU

What other people are saying about this Workshop:

“Ian presented material so it was simple easy and fun to learn and apply and it is so profound... Such a valuable and profound science, real honour to have opportunity to learn from a master!” 
(Rox Subramany, Life Coach, Berowra NSW)

“This workshop provides all of the information to jump right in and begin using numerology to assist in providing clients, friends, family with essences that will enhance their health, well being and life.” 
(Jacinta Bourke, Sleep Consultant, Apollo Bay Vic)

“I was unsure about this workshop, whether it was something I would understand having no experience with bush flower essences. I found it extremely stimulating, easy to understand and very enjoyable.”  
(Patricia Demasei, Bookkeeper, Shepparton Vic)

“If you want to learn something about yourself or want to get a clue what is going on with you and your life – your higher purpose – do this workshop. It helps a lot and makes things easier to deal with!”  
(Jessika Schwartz, Nurse, Everton Park Qld)

“Numerology is another piece to the puzzle of the mystery of a human being. When used together with ABFE miracles can occur.”  
(Nicola Bifford, Massage Therapist/Reflexologist, Brisbane Qld)

“Fantastic” ... “Even as long time practitioner of numerology I found this workshop added great insights to my previous knowledge banks!” 
(Lilla Clarke, Counsellor/Author/Carer, Caboolture Qld)

“Enlightening – makes sense out of the people I know. Providing insights into why people are who they are, and understanding myself. Provides me with the tools to make changes.”  
(Rosemary Price, Nanny/Reiki, Sawtell Vic)

“I am terrible with numbers and never really thought much of Numerology until I attended the workshop. I now feel really on the ball and able to use another tool, for healing. The workshop was great!” 
(Angela Scott, Willoughby NSW)

“Ian’s passion and enthusiasm for the topic is inspiring.” ... “Have used the flower essences for approximately 10 years for myself and clients – the numerology now gives another dimension to understanding myself and others – thank you!” 
(Rita Sharkey, Kinesiologist, Dublin, Ireland)

“This information allows greater insight into a client’s strengths – challenges. So one could ‘cut to the chase’ more efficiently and speedily.” 
(Chris Shanahan, Kinesiologist, Midwife, Melbourne Vic)

"Fascinating, a wealth of information to help me develop personally and help in my relationships and career as well as help others. Thank you." 
(Marion Rigg, Teacher & Practitioner, Chettsey, Surrey, UK)

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