Mt. Pinatubo Essence

Mt. Pinatubo Essence

Mt. Pinatubo Essence gives you the confidence to take away the masks of fear and conformity and to stand and shine totally in who you truly are and be willing to fully share your uniqueness with everyone and contribute. It allows you to reveal your true “I Am", state which is at the heart of everything. If you know who you are, you know where you are going fake taschen kaufen and how you are going to get there.

A mask is worn as a shield because the world is perceived as dangerous. If you wear a mask, you are not being who you are incarnated to be. Removing the mask is a consequence of knowing who you are. That knowledge then gives you the confidence to say, "This is who I am", "This is what is important to me", "This is where I will focus". From that comes new creation and this is how worlds are changed.

Mt. Pinatubo Essence is about creation and co-creation sacoche louis vuitton pas cher and it completes the Individualised Flame’s or Divine Essence’s journey from innocence to wisdom that takes you to the highest frequency of who you truly are.

580 Kč
30 ml - tinktura
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1215 Kč
10 ml - koncentrát
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